Evidence Based approach
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Ulitmate Relationship Coaching

Mastering the Domain of Relationships

Dear Friends,

I like to personally welcome you to this critical corner of this resource center called “livensuccess.”  What is the point of attaining success and have no one with whom to share the success?  If you are like most people and like me, you at least know a dozen people who had to go through enormous pain and suffering due to heartache stemming from the area of personal relationships. If I am not mistaken, you might even know someone intimately to have experienced or still is experiencing some challenges in this area of life. A connection is one of the centrifugal forces in our lives, and it can impact our mental state and our willingness to strive to take specific actions or not, and it is in this power dynamic that we discover ourselves and expand our existence.   I like to welcome you personally and serve you a great deal of value in identifying some territories in the map of relationships.

I have had the unique and immense pleasure of having worked under the direct supervision of a Ph.D. Scientist in the field of clinical psychology and the author of over ten university courses’ textbooks in the area of family development psychology and couple’s therapy. I am at this moment humbled to have had a great pleasure to have learned from leaders in this field and am grateful to part with you what others have parted with me with the pure purpose of serving you.  

Relationships are vehicles that meet human needs. They expand human experiences and further magnify human emotions. They are of various types, levels and characteristics, and intensity and in everyday life, we are in some relationships with others, and it is where about 95% of our satisfaction and or dissatisfaction ultimately come from in life.

Relationships are primal needs of all; it starts at birth and stays a primal need throughout life. Understanding and figuring out relationships and how one plays a role within them is not the static concept; relationships change as a dynamics of the interplay between various parts of our personality tapestry.  It is a complex science to account for every factor that makes or breaks a relationship in many different formats.

However in its primary form relationships are there to meet our needs, and we meet other people’s requirements, and if these two interplays do not exist the relationship may not exist and if for some reason the relationship can survive it will not be a vibrant and fulfilling one.

The focus here is to establish the fundamental framework to gain a much deeper understanding and have an empowering vision of how best to navigate this only chance to live on this planet and do so with ultimate passion and vibrancy. Here we will elaborate on the general patterns of success and failure in relationships and in particular will discuss intimate relationships.

 We will go over the work of pioneers of the field and discuss a broad range of disciplines in psychology namely psycho-analysis, Behaviorism, Cognitive and therapeutic methods to add enormous value to your skill sets in developing, growing and ultimately living the partnership and a relationship of your dreams. Some of the empowering concepts will be the practical implication needs matrix and how they relate to the relationship, personality mismatch, stages of Growth and Stages of Death of a relationship. You will discover the biochemical substrate that leads to building up the plateau and break down further you will find the gap between where you are right now and why regarding your relationships and where you want to be. We will share the seven keys to understanding relationships. Further, we will have many exercises whereby we will direct our subconscious mind to attract your ultimate mate and how to attract the right kind of people into your life. You will discover the interplay of different personalities and cognition types in a relationship and how they play out in the real world and much more.  A private session is four hours that can be taken over a month. Lets chat!  

Relationship Coaching Monthly
Book a Session $249.00 CAD